Kelsey's Playlist

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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hi, My Name is Toilet Bowl.

I would call this morning…..entertaining. I woke up to the feeling of cold saliva pressed against my cheek. No…I do not have dogs…so it came from, you guessed it….me. Apparently I have taken up drooling on myself while I sleep. Why cold saliva you say? Well, upon waking up to this nasty sensation on my face, I discovered that it was about 20 degrees in my room. It seems that winter has arrived in Colorado. The rest of my body had not felt it yet as it was buried under about 5 layers of blanket. My cheek however did not escape the new wrath of winter. So after getting up and wiping the cold drool from my face I slowly walk into my dark bathroom. While fumbling around for my light I had apparently missed the fact that my curling iron chord was hanging down by my feet and I promptly tripped over it and fell hitting my head on the toilet bowl on the way down.
Normally said events would be attributed to an individual who is completely intoxicated. But no no. This was a normal Thursday morning for Kelsey Donahue. Completely sober.