Kelsey's Playlist

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Monday, November 10, 2008

I'm No Scrooge, BUT....

This weekend I went to Chapel Hills Mall with my good friends Jessica and Dale. As soon as we walk through the doors, what do I see? You guessed it.....Christmas. Everywhere. Now let me start off with a disclaimer. I LOVE Christmas. I love spending time with my family, eating good food and celebrating the birth of Christ. I love decorating the tree and all of the fun holiday spirit. What I DON'T love is when America decides it's time to start October. This year I started seeing the first signs of Christmas in the stores right around Halloween time. Right next to the costume aisle you find the display of Christmas trees and lights.
I don't know about you, but I need some time to start 'processing' Christmas. I need time to get the tree up, pick out my Christmas gifts and get in the 'holiday spirit'. When Thanksgiving hasn't even arrived yet, it's hard for me to get in that holiday spirit. I need to concentrate on one holiday at a time. I think the thing I dislike about early Christmas most is the constant Christmas music playing for 3 months straight. I LOVE Christmas December. I don't want to get burnt out from old Carol of the Bells. I want to enjoy the tunes in the time they are supposed to be enjoyed. Bah Humbug!! All in all...Christmas is great. Let's just not get ahead of ourselves America.
As Jessica, Dale and I canvassed the store I couldn't help but notice this sunglass stand in the middle of the walkway with these stunning shades. Couldn't resist snapping a picture. I think I'm going to get some for my dad for Christmas. :)


Jessica W. said...

I kind of have to agree with you Kels. I LOVE Christmas, it's one of my favorite times of the year, but it seems like the stores put stuff out earlier and earlier each year. Enough already.

annaliese said...

end of September. that was when we first noticed that Costco was selling Christmas decor. yuck. waaay too early!

love the glasses :)